"Heaven is a discotheque"

Monday, August 22, 2005

post from Katie re: anthology boo-boos: please read & respond


I let Katie know that there were errors in the anthology, and I'm posting the message below on her behalf.


"hey, if anyone sees other problems in the anthology, tell me!
i'm going to fix this stuff and get a snazzy, reprinted, corrected,
new-and-improved version from administrative services.
so this is your chance to see other mistakes. here are the three
that i'm fixing already:
1. emily clamen's name
2. the hybridization of an evan poem with an amanda poem
3. the mysterious disappearance of the second half of shep's poem"


  • Hey, Katie. Thanks for all of your hard work! Do you need a new copy of my poem, or do you still have it on file?

    By Blogger Amanda Auchter, at 8/24/2005 4:53 PM  

  • Katie,
    I looked over my poems again to make sure everything was jake, and it was, so I don't have any changes that need to be made. (And I agree about the em-dash. Whad kind of evil doctor came up with that one?)

    By Blogger Sarah, at 8/25/2005 2:04 PM  

  • First, thank goodness people are still using great hard-boiled words like "jake."

    Second, as long as we're talking about anthologies, should there be an anthology of work, perhaps for outside publication, by the first 20 years or so of the Younger Poets and/or those who have taught them? It might not have a huge circulation, but it could provide an intriguing cross-section of a lot of poets. I am not in a position to edit such an anthology for the foreseeable future, but I would think that someone with access to the Stadler Center archives and follow-up information on Younger Poets might be able to come up with quite a book, and maybe have someone distinguished provide an introduction.



    By Blogger J.D. Smith, at 8/25/2005 5:08 PM  

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