"Heaven is a discotheque"

Thursday, September 22, 2005

RITA Update

My husband & I are not able to evacuate our home. HWY 6, which is the street right outside of our neighborhood, is at a standstill. We are not able to get out of our neighborhood at all. Also, no gasoline. All gas station within a 30 mi. radius of us are out of gas and are not getting any more gas. We have plenty of food, water, flashlights, etc.,. We are going to shelter in place in the most secure room of our home, but are concerned about the 120 mph winds expected this far inland (70mi.). We are hoping for the best. The storm is coming in Sat morning @ approx. 1AM, so we'll be able to take calls until then. If you want to get in contact with me, email me. Thanks.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Well, I'm evacuating on Thursday with my family to my sister's house in Montgomery, TX, approx. 100 mi. from the coast. They've issued mandatory evacuations, here. Think good thoughts for me and everyone else, here. My parents live right on the coast, so that's a little scary. My house is about 50 mi. inland, but surrounded by trees. Ugh. I'll post when I can.


Favorite Writing Exercises

Hey everybody,
I'm looking for some captivating poetry prompts to use on my middle school kids (grades 5-8). Do any of you remember a particularly exciting writing exercise from that time? Or, if you've worked with middle school kids, which exercises were resounding successes? Know of any writing exercises that you think would translate well to that age group? I've tried a few of the exercises from "Wishes, Lies, and Dreams" by Kenneth Koch, but some of the 7th and 8th grade students seem a little old for those prompts. I will adore you for any help you can offer.

In other news, teaching is crazy and hectic but also wonderful. My students are such dollfaces. (Dollfaces outfitted in huge faux gold medallions who admire 50cent above all others. But they are sweet, and they've written some amazing poems so far.) I'm looking forward to the reunion--who else is going & when do you plan to be there?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Fine Press Seminar for Emerging Writers

Folks, I'm passing along this e-mail from the Fine Arts Work Center; please share this opportunity:

The Center for Book Arts invites applications for our Letterpress Printing & Fine Press Publishing Seminar For Emerging Writers. The next section of this seminar is scheduled for Fall 2005. The seminar is tuition free for
participants. Participants will hear lectures from various professionals in the field - printers, fine press publishers, book artists, and dealers, to get a practical overview of letterpress printing and fine press publishing. They will learn the basics of letterpress printing, both traditional typesetting and options with new technology, by collaboratively printing a small edition of chapbooks or other projects.
Each seminar will be offered to a maximum of eight students. Writers from culturally diverse backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. Finalists may be interviewed or asked to provide supplemental information to their applications.
Applications will not be accepted from students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs during the program year (September 2005 - May2006).
Application postmark has been extended to October 1, 2005.
Email snicholls@centerforbookarts.org for more information, or download the guidelines at http://www.centerforbookarts.org/newsite/opportunities/.
Sarah Nicholls
Program Manager
Center for Book Arts
28 W. 27th Street
NY, NY 10001
212 481 0295
FAX 212 481 9853

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


The cover image for my chapbook is up on my blog: http://www.alauchter.blogspot.com. Let me know what you think!